Welcome, to Georgi Marokov's website
Hi there! 👋
I'm a dedicated software engineer with expertise in the .NET ecosystem, a strong sense in operations, and proficiency in
selected front-end technologies.
By day, I'm a problem solver, getting complex challenges to elegant solutions. When I'm not at the desk, you'll find me
being with my family and friends, riding bikes, hiking peaks and taking pictures.
Let's connect and share ideas – don't hesitate and contact me!
Find some of my latest tech insights and monologues.
Setup SonarCloud analysis with ASP.NET Core and React SPA in GitLab CI
Introduction SonarCloud is a well-known cloud based tool for static code analysis that supports…
Static Code Analysis for your .NET projects
Building quality software Every developer aims to create predictable, maintainable, and high-quality…
Building a Node.js Restful API template with TypeScript, Fastify and MongoDB
The Reason Have you recently started a new Node.js API project? Did you use some template or started…
Find some of the latest project journeys.
Project overview NASA Open API - APOD project is a progressive web app designed to provide users…
Gamer-bg.com - Gaming equipment
Project overview Gamer-bg.com was a web development project that involved the creation of a website…
Autohub.bg - Vehicle history management made easy
Project overview Autohub is a comprehensive vehicle history management system that simplifies the…
Where the trail never ends...